Saturday, December 7, 2013

Your Dog Gets Around - And Around - And Around.

One of the great things about running an anonymous blog is that not only am I able to speak my mind freely without worrying that some crazy bitch I pissed off might come key my car but it also allows for people who read my blog to contribute anonymously knowing I won't put them at risk of said crazy bitch as well. Such was the case for this weeks topic – I was emailed a text document (btw – thank you for not sending screen shots when a thread is that long) of a recent thread on one of the Edwards facebook pages that really seems to upset a lot of people.

If there's anything in abundance at Edwards, it's drama. You would think a facebook page labeled “Edwards AFB Friends” might have slightly less drama then other pages but that isn't the case.

Here's the back story. It seems that there is a larger white dog of some sort of bully breed that has a habit of jumping over fences in Mesquite Meadows. It also seems as if this is a normal occurrence in the area as it happens several times a week. Now, this isn't the first dog that has repeatedly escaped its confines. I tend to recall a husky in Joshua Acres who was a habitual offender for quite a while as well. Shit, you can't really blame the dogs. If I had a chance to escape and get the fuck away from this base, I'd take my chances as well. Unfortunately, it seems as if this large white dog doesn't have much sense – rather than high tailing it out of here, he instead chooses to jump over his neighbors fences to see if the grass is indeed greener on the other side.

The dog seems to have caused a few problems while visiting his neighbors, at one point resulting in a toddler being knocked to the ground and injured by a family pet who charged the curious pooch. Other dogs are creating quite a ruckus and are driving their owners bat shit crazy.

During the 100 plus postings this dog's behavior resulted in, the owner of said mutt made an appearance. Basically, he told everyone that was upset to pretty much Go fuck themselves and shut the fuck up about things they didn't know about.

That's basically the back story for those who weren't privileged enough to have witnessed the debacle as it occurred.

Now, opinions are like assholes – we all have one and just about every last one of them stinks like shit. But, if you're reading this blog, that means you have some curiosity as to what my opinion on the subject is – even if it's for nothing more than a few shits and giggles. Do I always believe my opinion is correct? Well, fuck yeah, if I didn't, it wouldn't be my opinion, right? Kinda fucked up if you have an opinion about something and don't agree with it. Do I believe everyone is suppose to agree with me opinions? Fuck no! But then again, I honestly don't give a shit what anyone thinks so hey, it works out well. If you don't like what I have to say I have an easy solution – don't bother coming to my page. Pretty simple solution, right?

Which leads to where I'm going with this blog. My opinion since I figure someone wants to know it as they sent me the thread to read.

First off - to the owner of the dog – you are a Class A douche bag. You are responsible for a dog that has repeatedly entered other peoples secured property and your answer is to basically tell them to go fuck themselves? From what I can tell so far, none of your neighbors have yet to call Security Forces on you or your dog – however – I would be willing to bet with that callous attitude, rather than posting a photo of your mutt saying its out, they'll probably just go ahead and call. If I were your neighbors, next time your dog entered my property, I'd promptly take a photo for proof and turn your ass in. You are an irresponsible dog owner with a huge problem on your hands - one would think that instead of inciting a riot you might have enough sense to figure out you should play nice, apologize for the inconvenience your dog has causes and try to make amends rather than make enemies. But no, you want to be a fucking jackass, puff out your chest and waggle your dick like showing your a bad ass will make others run and hide and ignore the fact your dog just tried to hump their precious little bichon frise.

Yeah, I've used this before - but it's Morgan Freeman Dammit.

Since we know you're a dick head, we will address the issue with your dog.

Your neighbors don't want your dog in their yard. Your dog does not belong in their yard. People don't want to go out to their yard and allow their children to play, only to step in a steaming pile of dog shit that your dog decided to leave behind, nor do they want to clean up that pile of shit – especially if they do not own a dog of their own that they have to clean up after. They don't like knowing that the safety they feel in their bricked in yard is violated by the fact an aggressive looking dog that wasn't there moments before has suddenly jumped the fence. Those that own dogs do not like the fact that their pet is barking like crazy because a strange dog has just entered their space. It's bad enough that people have to worry about coyotes and bobcats jumping the fence, now we have to deal with your fucking dog doing the same?

You are very lucky your dog has not attacked a child or someone's pet. The woman who's child got hurt when her dog rushed your dog – you're lucky she didn't call SF's then and there. You're also lucky your dog has not come back in bloody ribbons after entering a yard with a dog who made it known your dog isn't wanted.

Wake up asshole. If your dog leaves the confines of your yard, do something about it. Put the damn dog on a leash before you take it out to piss for starters. If you or your spouse can't control the dog when on a leash and it gets away, then maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't own the dog in the first damn place, it's obviously too much dog for you. Maybe consider an “invisible fence” or spend the money to extend the top of your fence to higher than your dog can jump. Hell, go to the damn Dog Owners facebook page and hire one of the trainers who frequently post there. But for all fucks sake, DO SOMETHING. Stop making fucking excuses for your dog because when it comes down to it, it's your responsibility to contain your dog, not your dogs responsibility to have enough fucking sense to not go into other peoples yards. By allowing the behavior to continue, you do nothing but reinforce the behavior in the first damn place. Nine times out of ten, when it comes to unwanted dog behavior, the owner is at fault. Here's a website to help get you started on the right direction, as I'm sure you're too fucking lazy to research the topic yourself.   Reasons and Solutions for Fence Jumping

Someone pointed out the fact that approaching strange dogs is dangerous, after several people said they approached the dog and found it to be friendly. Well, at least someone has some fucking sense in this place. Dogs are dangerous – they can be unpredictable. You bitches are fucking stupid just approaching strange dogs you've never interacted with before. You see a strange dog that you do not know, approach it, pick it up and bring it to your home, with your fucking kids and allow it to stay there while you try to find it's owner on facebook? What in fucks sake are you thinking? Okay, so maybe your just so kind hearted that you don't want to see the dog get hurt. You're fucking lucky these dogs haven't hurt you or your family. Then, if the dog doesn't approach you, you chase after it in hopes to catch it? If its not coming to you, its probably fucking scared and here you are trying to grab it. If you do get bit, you fucking deserve it for being stupid as fuck. I've also taken the time to find a website with dog bite statistics – since many of you are too lazy to google the number for Starbucks, I'm sure you most likely wouldn't take the time to educate yourselves. 
Statistics on Dog Bites

So there you have it.. That's my opinion, take it or leave it.

Oh – one other thing. To the asshat in Joshua Acres who's letting your fucking dog bark all fucking night, for all fucks sake, bring your damn dog inside. For one, its fucking cold as fuck outside and your dog is trying to tell you that you are an asshole for leaving it outside. And for two – here's a news flash – people are trying to fucking sleep. We're trying to get our kids to sleep. Kinda hard for people to sleep when your damn dog won't shut the fuck up.

Until next time..

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that my JA husky ONLY got mentioned. She is now on house arrest with supervised yard play and walks until we break her of the 7 foot wall jump (if that's possible!) Dang 'Air Bud'! From the start I have told my children to never go to strange dogs and I hope other's teach their children the same. I don't expect anyone to approach my dog if she's out, it's our (as in my hubs and I) responsibility to keep her in our yard not others. Please make sure your children also know not to open gates of others yards, no matter how cute the dog is. We have lost her twice because of that and have since put a lock on the gate. Also, last, but certainly not least...CARRY POOP BAGS!!!
