It has definitely been a while since I
have written anything here. That's not to say I haven't been lurking
all the boards to see whats going on, banking things away for future
reference. The problem is always finding what exactly to write about
in the first place – you can only write about the same craziness so
many times.
But there always seems to be one thing
that pops up over and over that I haven't written about yet so we
just might have to tackle that topic.
Simply put – people putting their
noses where they don't belong.
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If Morgan Freeman says it - it must be true. |
Maybe it's all bases – maybe it's
just here but it sure seems like people don't seem to know the
concept of minding their own business. It never fails, someone always
feels they have to put their 2 cents in on a topic, telling everyone
else how superior they are, how they never have to deal with an issue
someone else might be dealing with solely because they know how to do
it better and their way is the only way. These people can pipe in for
just about every topic available – your kids, your dog, your
marriage, even how you donate to charity.
You know the type – its almost
impossible to avoid them. Maybe you're having an issue with your kid
ripping off their diaper at night so you decided to gasp duct
tape the diaper tabs so they can't take it off at night. Well, she's
going to pipe in and tell you that its child abuse and how her
perfect angel learned at an early age not to take off their diaper so
you must be doing something wrong. You didn't breastfeed your kid? Be
prepared for the whole “Breast is best” rant telling you how your
a terrible mother who obviously shouldn't procreate because you are
too selfish to do what's best for your child. They are the ones who
break into the evils of fast foods if you admit you let your kids eat
a McDonald's happy meal, throwing statistics of childhood obesity or
about tooth decay when you slip and say that you allow your child to
drink a can of coke.
It's the type who tells you their dog
is a well behaved member of their family, who would never do any
common doggy behaviors like running out of the yard and if yours
does, you shouldn't own pets. They are they ones who berate you for
feeding your pet whatever food is on discount at the commissary –
if you really loved your pet, you would be cooking a 4 course meal of
grass fed beef or organic chickens every day – if you can only
afford a 30lb bag of Purina kibbles for 15 bucks, then you shouldn't
own a dog. God help you if your pet somehow gets pregnant and don't
even think of trying to find homes for those animals without being
prepared for a speech about why you didn't do the responsible thing
and have your pet fixed in the first place. (I've covered these types of posts regarding pets in a previous post - if you missed it here ya go: Like Bob Barker Says: Please Remember to Have Your Pets Spayed or Neutered - Or Else)
They are always the superwoman. They
are the first to tell you to pull up your big girl panties during a
deployment and suck it up. Sure, you miss your husband and your kids
are driving you nuts, the alternator went out on your car and the
washer machine just flooded your house. Tough shit buttercup. Because
she had it so much harder than you and she made it though perfectly
fine - the house was always spotless, the children were always fed
only wholesome organic foods (and they always ate their beets and
chickpeas) at exactly 6pm, the dishes were washed by 6:45 and she of
course used all her spare time while her husband was away working to
find a cure for cancer. She always had excessive amounts of money in
the savings account and is quick to tell you how your bad budgeting
is the reason you don't. If your husband cheats on you, she's the
first to point out it's your fault for not working out 5 hours a day,
every day like she does.
You can find these women in many places
– coming up to you at walmart to bitch at you for not having socks
on your baby when its 100 degrees outside or approaching you at the
commissary as you start to grab a box of caprisun. Visit any
“military spouse” facebook group and you'll see herds of these
women, usually arguing back and forth with each other because none of
them can agree with each other on any topic.
To be honest, if you are one of these
people, the simple fact is nobody wants or needs your advice. It's
not helpful, its not wanted and all it really does is piss people
off. The truth is, you come off as a major cunt with a superiority
complex. You're the ones who's dog need Prozac because they're neurotic
from you treating them like a child instead of a dog. You're the one
who eventually ends up in the headlines because your kids rebel
against your strict upbringing, turning to drugs and sometimes
violence in order to escape the hell you've put them through. And
lets be honest here – many times your kids aren't the angels you
tell everyone they are. More times than not, they are the ones who
bully their peers, much the same as you bully other women because
they learn the behavior from you.
I saw another form of this type of
behavior today while viewing the Edwards AFB Yard Sale site. Now, if
you're not a member of this facebook group, take my advice – JOIN!!
You would think a group set up to sell your unwanted shit would be
pretty cut and dry – but this group has more drama than any prime
time tv show today. Today's drama actually occurred over the course
of two different pages. While I am a member of the yard sale group, a
person who follows another Edwards page brought a second post to my
attention. Here's how it played out.
The yard sale group had a post
regarding a charity event involving dropping toys in a box for
collection. Now, I'm not going to insult the program, its a very good
program and I wish people would support it – there are many needy
families who even a small 5 dollar toy would help make their
children's holidays that much brighter. However, the particular
poster seems to suffer from a severe case of cranialrectal impactment
of some sorts (for those who don't know what that means – it's
basically having your head up your ass). The original post was asking
for donations, explaining where the boxes for donations were located,
ect ect. However, the second posting on a second group was a picture
(posted below) with a statement saying she would like to do such to
the people at Starbucks, the BX and the people on the yard sale site
for NOT supporting her toy drive as she seems to feel is appropriate.
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Lady, here's a bit of a news flash. By
your own admission, the number of toys needing to be donated is
10,000 toys. Assuming this is 1 toy for every needy child, that's
10,000 children who's parents are financially suffering this holiday
season and asking for help. These numbers are only the numbers of
parents willing to ask for help – it does not include parents who
either did not know how to sign up for the program or who might be
too embarrassed to ask for help. I think a fair assumption would be
for those 10,000 who did ask for help, there are probably another
20,000 who did not just in our area alone. And this area is not that
populated, so that's probably a large percentage of people in the
area. Add to the fact a large majority of contract laborers who work
for the government in one way or another who have recently been
furloughed not once but twice as well as laid off from jobs who were
hit hard financially this year. Many of the people you are
complaining aren't donating toys are the very same people who should
be receiving toys. They are already stressed out wondering how to
afford Christmas for their own children, depressed because yet
another holiday is upon them and their finances are even worse then
they were the year before. They're the ones who are tired of hearing
how they should have started saving money back at the first of the
year in order to save for the holidays when they can barely rub two
pennies together to begin with. They are the ones living paycheck to
paycheck, who already dropped many luxuries like cell phones and
cable in order to put the next meal on the table. They are the ones
who's children's names are on the Angel tree at the BX in hopes that
someone's kindness will help them provide even one wrapped present
under a tree this year.
But to sit there and insult and bitch
about the very people who you are trying to get to support your
program? That in my opinion is the very epitome of arrogance and
superiority. How does one think that will in any way help in getting
people to donate? After reading the original post, I was considering
buying several toys to donate – after reading the second post, the
idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I think instead, I will purchase
a few of the requested items on the angel tree as well as buy a few
AAFES cards (or Commissary gift cards) to donate to the chapel on
base. At least I know those donations would be highly appreciated.
Seeing the way you insulted the people on this base when all they
were asking was for you to tell them where to donate – I could see
you collecting the toys and then bitching on your page in regards to
those donations being cheap crap. Happy Holidays indeed.
There's an old adage that says you
catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I think this saying is very
true – if you want to change someone's mind regarding something,
it's always better to be polite and respectful to others then to sit
there and insult then, belittle them and treat them as if they are
inferior to you. This goes for all aspects in life.
There's also another adage – if you
don't have anything nice to say, keep your mouth shut. Again, true.
But, in addition to all this, maybe if
people would butt out of everyone's business and worry more about
themselves, shit would be so much better for everyone.
Not everyone who's friends with a man
who's not their husband is sleeping around. Not everyone who doesn't
parent the way you do is unfit. Everyone who does not cook 3 square
meals a day for their dog or cat isn't a bad pet owner. And everyone
who can't afford to spend an extra 10 bucks on a toy for a donation
box doesn't deserves to be punched. Keep your unwanted advice to
yourself and the world would be such a better place.
I'm going to look for the Yard Sale page post haste! ;)