This was the original topic of discussion I
wanted to delve into last night but after all the drama involving the yard sale site, I
decided to place it on the back burner and return to it today. After
all, if there's one thing that shows some of the insanity on this
base, it would definitely be how people conduct themselves in a
moving vehicle.
Let me start with a disclaimer: This
blog doesn't pertain to everyone on base. I might make a generalized
statement regarding something but there are always exceptions. So,
when I say drivers on this base are crazy, it doesn't mean every
single person on this base drives nuts. Just a majority. While I
thought this was understood, it became apparent that it wasn't when
several people took offense to my posts about shithead kids and
overzealous consultants on base. Although, 9 times out of 10, if you
get pissed off about something I say and take it as offensive, it
probably relates to you, hence why it struck a chord with you. For
once, get your big girl panties out of a bind and take a huge chill pill.
So with that disclaimer out of the way,
lets continue.
This is a very large base that covers a
large amount of land expanse but in comparison, has very little road
ways. There are three major lanes of traffic that takes one off this
base and a small network of streets that wind through the housing
areas and the main areas of the base. There are no major highways or
interstates that run through the base and last time I checked this
was not Germany and there was no Autobahn here. But it sure seems as
if some of you believe that the Indy 500 takes place within the
confines of this base. Everyone is in such a hurry to get to one
place or another on a base that honestly has absolutely nothing worth
rushing to in the first damn place.
No other place on base displays this
behavior more than the parking lot that contains the commissary and
Starbucks. During business hours, when it comes to the rules of the
road, all bets are off. Some of you bitches act like Starbucks is
about to sell the last cup of coffee available and if you don't get
there in warp speed, you'll miss out. You fly through the parking lot
at break neck speeds that would make even Dale Earnhardt Jr's head
spin. You zip through lanes of parked cars in the wrong direction
because everyone knows the 5 extra seconds it would have taken to
drive to the next lane of parked cars to travel the correct direction
could possibly come between you and your Venti Caramel Machiatto with
a double pump of Caramel. Come on people – it's a cup of
overpriced coffee, the world is not about to come to an end. That
cup of crap will taste just as good even if it takes you an addition
2 minutes to drive like you have even a lick of sense.
Unfortunately, the dipshit driving is
not just limited to the commissary parking lot, however much I wish
it was. The shoppette seems to have its fair share of idiots behind
the wheel as well. Something about people with the IQ of a turnip
driving a piece of machinery that weighs about 2 tons scares the shit
out of me.
Trust story here – recently I made a
trip to the shoppette. Most of you should be familiar with the way
the parking lot is arranged but just in case (as I know there are
some readers not associated with Edwards) I'll describe it. You
basically have two strip mall sized buildings with a parking lot in
front with three entrances/exits from the street in front, one on
each side of two strips and one directly in the middle. Now, this is
not a hard concept for most people who have been driving for any
amount of time to comprehend – if you're pulling OUT of the
shoppette, you would use the right hand side of the drive – if your
pulling INTO the shoppette, you're gonna drive on the left hand side
of the drive. Basic driving 101 – same as any highway or roadway
that handles two way directional traffic, right? NOPE – not on this
I had pulled up to the stop sign and
came to a complete stop waiting to pull onto Kincheloe with a car
coming in my direction to my left. A military member (in a flight
jumpsuit so possibly a pilot or aircraft maintainer?) driving in a
nice shiny sports car decided he was entitled to the ENTIRE drive and
turned wide into the right hand side of the drive, stopping his car
literally inches from the front bumper of mine. What does this idiot
decide to do? He proceeds to curse me out, giving me the finger in
the process, backs up and speeds past me. At least now he was in the
correct lane. Let me get this right dude in your shinny Beemer –
you can't comprehend the fundamentals of driving and you want to spew
verbal diarrhea in my direction for your incompetence? All things
considered, he must have been an officer – always blaming others
for his own fuckups. (Crap, now I just pissed off the officer wives
– I'm sure command will here about this one.) Ooh, okay, in his
defense, maybe he just got back from some great foreign destination
where driving on the opposite side of the road is the norm – but
somehow I doubt it- but I will throw it out there to play the
devil's advocate to appease the officer wives.
![]() |
This Driver must have been from Edwards |
Hey, this is off topic but what the
hell – Do you know the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?
Give up?
On a porcupine the pricks are on the
When we're ripping up the roads like
Justin Bieber does the LA Highways, accidents are bound to happen.
Luckily, I have avoided having some dipshit run into me, but I've had
a few pretty close calls. Going back to the parking lot at the
commissary – I cannot count the times that I have begun backing out
of a parking spot, looking behind me to make sure no oncoming traffic
is driving up the line of cars, only to have someone fly past me
moving the opposite direction. Makes me wonder how many actual
accidents occur on base on a regular basis. Lets put it this way
people – if the speed limit on most of the base is 25-35MPH then
it's probably a fairly safe bet that the speed limit through the
parking lots is going to be considerably lower. Point is – slow the
fuck down – because the day one of you lead foot bitches runs into
my car that I'm still making payments on – I will jump out and most
likely will proceed to flop around on the ground, holding my neck and
back, screaming in “pain” as if I'm giving birth to a baby
elephant, hire the best accident lawyer I can find and I'll be
enjoying some overpriced coffee drink in some exotic country by the
ocean while you're lucky to get a cup of the free coffee at the
Until Next Time...
Thank you for posting this!! It is true and i have seen and experienced how bad these people are! During school year majority of wives do not know how to use 4 ways STOP!! I had experienced how many times that I almost got hit because this stupid bitch went and they do not watch for the kids to cross first! And also most of these stupid people are speeding especially in a neighborhood..... SNCO neighborhood!!! They do not fully stop on a STOP sign, they are speeding on a 25 or 35 mph road and most I hate it is THEY DO NOT USE BLINKER!!!! NO TURNING SIGNAL AT ALL! SO...... how could we teach our kids to be polite and follow the law and regulations ON BASE OR OFF BASE if we are the one who do not follow!!! And.. when it is freaking windy they do not bother to hold the door when they get out off the car so the door wont hit the other car behind them!!! LAZY LOW LIFE STUPID PEOPLE who thinks they are better than anybody else!!! So, I do really thank you Jane Doe for posting all stupid crazy things happening in this base!! :) Because it is all TRUE!
ReplyDeleteI am more offended by you slamming the overpriced coffee, I am from the Seattle area and love my Starbucks...TOTALLY KIDDING!! LMAO, sorry I couldn't help myself! We had a neighbor that would constantly speed down our street...we have quite a few kids that play outside...her kids would too as a matter of fact and that to me was beyond irritating! We would say all the time that maybe when she accidentally hits one of her own kids she would learn to slow down!
ReplyDeleteYep shopette can be scary. My husband went one night to rent a dvd, obeyed the speed limit and completely stopped at the stop sign and was pulled over by a SF that happened to be in the parking lot because he was driving suspiciously and must be drunk. So let's see you obey the rules and drive correctly and you must be doing it because you don't want to get caught but if you are speeding through you are just fine