There really hasn't been any drama on
the FB pages as of lately, I guess everyone is afraid it will end up
on this blog (be afraid, be very afraid) and so things have been
pretty quiet. I could write about how crappy the BX selection is but
I guess that can wait for another time. (Btw, if you have any suggestions for something I should write about please email me at
Instead, I have a topic that will have most women having to run for a
change of underwear just thinking about.
Shades of Grey.
Oh yes, the book that has been on the
Washington Post's best seller list for over 50 weeks, has led to a
lot of the newborns who have came home from the WIC in the last year
and is the only series to outsell the Harry Potter Series. Between
the three books more than 70 million copies have been sold, many to
military spouses (many of whom I am surprised could even read) and
has been recommended by friends so many times you'd think they make
money off of spreading the word. I can't begin to count how many
times a fellow milspouse has instagramed a photo of a glass of wine
and the cover of one of these books. To say that many of you are
obsessed with this literary fad would be an understatement. Many
women who probably haven't picked up a book since graduating high
school (and maybe not even then) flocked to the bookstore in droves to pick up all three of
these books at one time and read them almost straight through.
It came to my attention that one
particular woman on this base has basically been ostracized by many
other spouses because she voiced her opinion of the books at a group.
Her opinion was not popular and others disagreed with it to the point
that she became public enemy number one to everyone there. Her option
was basically this – that the 50
Shade of Grey is basically pornography. Now, I wasn't
there for the conversation and part of me wishes that I had been
because I probably would have been ostracized right along with this
I guess right now would be a great time
to insert the official definition of pornography for those of you who
are unaware of it. As defined by Merriam-Webster, pornography is as
follows: 1: the depiction of erotic
behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual
excitement and 2: material (as books
or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to
cause sexual excitement. I think most people have the mindset that
pornography is limited to explicit videos or photographs and the
immediate image of their husband in a dark room lit only by a
computer monitor, volume turned down, praying nobody wakes up. Most fail to realize that
pornography does not have to be visual – it can be written. (Hence
why publications like Penthouse Letters are so popular). By the
above definition, 50 Shade of Grey is indeed pornographic in
nature – but many who read it do not want to admit it.
There have been numerous occasions when
I have been told by someone that they would never allow pornography
in their homes. That they are a good Christian family with Christian
values and that allowing their husbands to view pornographic images
is a sin in their eyes. Many have stated that if they were to catch
their husbands viewing pornography online that it would be viewed as
cheating in their eyes – that it is offensive to them that their
husbands would look at another woman to get sexual gratification
instead of turning to them. But many of these same “Good Christian
Women” were standing in line to buy the next copy of the 50 Shades
trilogy. Their argument is that its just a book, its a love story and
it contains no sexual images only text. Guess what ladies – you're
fooling yourselves.
It's been a long time understanding
that when it comes to sexual stimulation, the men are more visual.
Women on the other hand, like the long and drawn out. For most men,
all one needs is to see an attractive woman and his mind instantly
goes to what he could be doing with said woman. Women on the other
hand want the seduction. We don't have an on/off switch– we are more
like a tea kettle: it takes a bit of time and energy to get us warmed
up. This is why books such as Harlequin romances or 50 Shades of Grey
appeal to us – the build up occurs over time. However, the end
result is the same whether it be a man looking at some “Big Booty
Babes” web site or a female reading an erotic book – both are
sexually stimulated. The only difference is
that where men have to hide their online history or Playboy
collection, women can put it on their coffee tables, carry them
around with them in their purses, read them on their kindles, and it
is just a part of polite society. There's not a single woman
out there who has read these books and said “Oh, I thought about my
husband the entire time I was reading this”.. BULLSHIT! How is it
any different for men to look at a video of a strange woman and get
aroused than it is for you to lay in your beds reading while getting
hot and bothered over Christian Grey? It's hypocritical to sit there
and preach about the sins of pornography and refuse your husband to
view pornographic images but then you turn around feel its okay to
read it just because its a book. You're worried about your husband
fantasizing about someone else in the bedroom but you're doing the
same thing.
![]() |
He's brainless - but even Gaston knows the truth. |
Now, don't get me wrong, what you do in
your bedroom – none of my business. You can swing from the ceiling
fan dressed up as Tarzan and Jane for all I care. I'm sure there are
plenty of closet freaks on this base and hey – that's alright. More
power to ya. If you watch porn together, that's fine too. Again, none
of my business but at least in that case, what's good for the goose
is good for the gander. But when I get these high and mighty women
who tell me how porn is not allowed in their homes, how its immoral
and a sin, only to see them sitting at the picnic bench at a playdate
and pulling out their copy of 50 Shades and saying “oh, its okay,
its just a book – its a love story” - I want to slap the shit out
of them. Or when I hear that a child cannot be included in a play
group because their parents don't attend chapel on base (so obviously
the child is Satan's spawn and would only taint their precious
children by association) when these same mom's are reading smut I
wouldn't want around my kids. The same parents who say “oh, we
don't allow cable programming in our home because there's too much
sex on television” are reading material written much more
descriptive and perverse in nature than anything on HBO. Can we say
Hypocrite? You say you would feel dirty knowing your husband got
turned on by watching a set of tits on TV and then made love to you
but you allow “erotica”
to get you aroused, and then you use that arousal to make love to
your husband. It's the same thing people.
feel bad about the girl on base who was ostracized because she stated
this very same opinion. I don't know the girl nor am I friends with
her but I do remember seeing her removed from various Edwards groups.
Maybe she's yet another completely crazy bitch on this base, Lord
knows there's a shit ton of them here. I don't know. But to know
that she was shunned for calling a horses ass a horses ass is, in my
opinion, crap. Those in the group may not like what she had to say –
tough shit people. You can try to justify your enjoyment in the books
any way you want – and again, I don't care if you like the books –
you're entitled to read and enjoy anything you want – but get off
your high horse and pull the stick out of your ass. It IS porn and
there's not a single justification you can make that changes that
fact. Kicking some girl out of a group because you don't want to
admit that you're enjoying porn doesn't change the facts. Rather than
get all butthurt over reality, embrace it – you like porn – so do
a lot of people. The sex industry makes roughly $14 BILLION a year –
so you're in good company. I'm all for embracing your sexuality and
becoming liberated in the bedroom – have at it, I'm sure your
husband would much rather that then you laying there like a limp
noodle and queuing the moans in all the right places. The point is –
don't sit there and lie to yourself and others – it's not a “love
story” - its erotic filth about sex, BDSM, and other kinky shit
people normally don't talk about in society. It's the equivalent to
men saying they read Playboy “just for the articles”.
In closing, I leave you with this little treasure..
next time....
Read it, loved it...have cable, don't go to church regularly, respect the opinions of this why I never even got an invite to the bookclub?! Lol
ReplyDeleteTo whoever the girl is that got booted out by others...forget them, who needs close minded people like that in their life?! Look me up, we can start our own bookclub...however, I must warn u that my favorite author is Stephen King...if that makes me a crazy person in your eyes sorry :)
Munoz family - maybe its because you're not enough drama. Drama makers are not going to invite others who they cannot feed off of.
DeleteBtw, Stephen King is awesome and just in case you don't know, the Under the Dome mini series starts soon.
Jane Doe...
ReplyDeleteI love it!!! I have NEVER read 50 Shades, nor do I plan to. I have had many friends tell me how good it is, yet its just not my kind of book. I am not one to go to church either, and agree what people do in their own bedrooms is their business, but reading or watching erotic stuff is all porn. So all them Christian women that have read all these books, time to go start asking for forgiveness!!!!
I agree with Munoz family though, whomever it was that got booted because she called it exactly what it was, then forget them hypocritical women!!!
Also, Munoz family, if you ever start a book club, I'd love to join. Although I'm not a huge Stephen King fan, I do like a few Dean Koontz books. Also, even though he isn't as twisted as Steven King, Harlan Coben is a great author. Have really loved his books and read the majority already!
Oh and Jane Doe, I noticed you said in one of your blogs that you love to read as well. Any books you can recommend(that aren't porn)?? ;)
Kristy I had to LMAO at your comment. I can see all the little hypocrites in church on Sunday praying for forgiveness for lusting after Christian Grey.
DeleteI do believe there's a new book club on Edwards for the Game of Thrones books, at least I have seen reference to it on one occasion. Might be something you can look into?
Answering your question about my reading habits - I read a huge variety of different books. I just recently finished "Inferno" by Dan Brown which I enjoyed, it was better than "The Lost Symbol" although I enjoyed that one as well. Ken Follett is another author I really liked.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI don't quite know how it happened but I happened upon your blog. And Girl, am I glad I did. Not only do I really enjoy your writing style, I love the topics you've picked to write about. And I love your point of view, though I completely understand why you choose to remain anonymous. I prefer living in a drama free zone so I don't get involved with too many people on base. I've seen the drama people start and I left high school in my rear view mirror many, many moons ago. Keep on doing what you're doing and I will be checking back often for any of the latest goings on at Edwards AFB through the eyes of The Knowing J.Doe.
ReplyDeleteP.S. If anybody is interested in a book club, count me in. I was involved with one but it went TU when people started PCSing or in-fighting. Would love to be part of another one.