And then as I read comments on facebook or have conversations with other parents on base, I hear even more horror stories. Granted, there's nothing to do on this base - I'm an adult and I'm bored out of my ever loving mind here - but throwing rocks at peoples cars has never crossed my mind as a suitable activity to pass the time. Parents on base are describing problems at the base parks and older children and preteens talking about using illegal drugs. Security Forces will tell you that they have little to no authority over the high school while they are on campus and that the kids not only know this but flaunt it by smoking marijuana on school property as the SF cars drive past.
A survey by U.S. News & World Report revealed that nine out of ten Americans feel that the breakdown of civility (this is how we treat each other) is a problem, and nearly half rate the problem as extremely serious. Ninety percent of Americans polled said manners and good social graces have significantly eroded over the past ten years and that the situation is only getting worse. What's more, 93 percent of adults feel that the major cause of all rudeness is that parents have failed to teach respect to their kids. What this means is that kids today are little shits and we have allowed them to be this way. We find it cute when 3 year old Johnny says "fuck you" after hearing mom or dad say it in the household - we laugh and giggle and say "little Johnny, say it again for Daddy" and we teach our kids its okay to say it. Then when Johnny is a teenager and a teacher upsets him and he uses the same words, suddenly its not so cute but by then its too late..
We coddle these children and make so many excuses for their bad behavior til we're blue in the face: They have autism, ADHD, their daddy is deployed, we're on a military base and so they are safe playing outside unsupervised. But honestly, there's never an excuse for the behavior that is displayed in our youth. I don't care if dad is on his 4th deployment in 6 years - there are plenty of children who have dealt with the same and their parents tore their asses up the first time they displayed this behavior and they turned out to be perfectly well behaved children. They weren't allowed to wander the streets long after dark when the only fun to be had is usually destructive. You've raised a generation of kids who are given anything they want when they want it, allowed to do anything they want because you feel guilty saying no or disciplining them for whatever reason. Well, here's a news bulletin - you're not doing your kids any favors. Maybe you expect the school system to teach your kids the lessons you have failed to teach but their job is to teach them math, science and history - not manners and good behavior.
Sometimes I'm not at all surprised at the kid when I see the parent though. After all, bad behavior usually begins at the home. Why are kids out long past curfew, vandalizing other peoples property? Because mom and dad have allowed them to be out in the first place. My favorite is hearing women complaining about teenage drivers speeding in housing areas yet I see that same behavior displayed by adults on base every day as they fly through the commissary parking lot to get to Starbucks. You show up at the Air Force Ball looking like you just got off work from The Hustler Club and you allow your teenage daughter to borrow your clothes.
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When did this become acceptable attire for our teens and tweens? |
You drive the wrong way into the elementary school when picking up your kids because the 10 extra seconds to go in the correct way is an inconvenience. I was shocked the other day when driving by the school - a mom actually picked her kid up in the middle of the road. She stopped her car (with several cars behind her), motioning for the kid to run across the two lanes of traffic (and darting in front of an oncoming truck) so that he could get in the passenger side. And we wonder why these very kids grow up feeling they are entitled to do the same type of things. Your kids watch what you do and the lesson you are teaching them is "Its okay for us to do it because we're better than everyone else". Your kids are shits, well, because you are a shit.
This just in - You are not special. I don't care if you're an officers wife or Michelle Obama herself . Maybe you wipe your butt with only the finest toilet paper, drink only bottled water imported from a remote lake where Jesus himself drank, paid 20K for boobs and have a whole collection of Coach purses. It doesn't matter. The Pope may have hand blessed your kids but they aren't special either.
To me, the special kids are the one who say "please" and "thank you", who say "yes ma'am" and "no sir" and who stand silently while the National Anthem plays. When I see those types of kids, I want to just walk up and say "Good job" to those parents.
But when I see your kids - I just wanna slap the shit out of both of ya.
Until Next Time....
At age 2 my son says please and thank you...I pray we help him keep his manners for life. We also have him saluting everyday he hears "the music" @ 4:30, afterall he is a military child and this nation helps Dadda put food on our table everyday. As parents it is our job to teach respect. I dread the day my son drops the f bomb, I know he will hear it somewhere, but believe me, it will not be followed by laughter. If you read this blog post and it offends you, you are obviously among the parents who need to pay more attention to your children and discipline them...and if they are already in high school, good luck with that!
ReplyDeleteI agree completely.. And I also agree with the comment above.. I've been seeing people upset about kids with special needs and honestly, I've read and reread this twice now and other than her mentioning excuses, none of the behaviors she's addressing seems to be anything a special needs kids would do unless they were just given free reign and weren't disciplined...
ReplyDeleteI can agree to an extent on most of this and most of this is indeed true. However, it is not just the base and from what I have seen off base is worse. Unfortunately parents are scared to provide physical means to discipline their "precious angels". I would like to blame the government and what has been voted into place. CPS has too much power, and they will threaten to take your kids for pretty much anything. Parents don't want that. Military members can't have that on their records when it comes to security clearance. But there are things that parents can do but at the same time I don't understand how it could fall so far. I personally didn't fall into the category of the undisciplined little shits during the days of my up-bringing but my sister did. I was disciplined by the principle, played outside and got dirty, I was even kicked outside of the house for at least a few hours a day (weather permitting) and I had chores that I did NOT get paid for. I had never thought that TV influenced people that much until my sister basically started acting like people on it and that in turn influenced her attitude and even her style. Now that I have a two year old, I have noticed that she begins to mimic what she sees on there. Now if she is with us which is pretty much all the time, she sees some of our shows. One thing that I learned very quickly was that if something is inappropriate but quite hilarious for adults, don't laugh at it or show any emotion because if I do, she retains those actions or words much easier than if I do nothing. I don't know if parents have actually paid any attention to the Disney channel lately, but just because it is called so, it does not mean that all of the shows are appropriate for all ages. If parents take the time to watch what their kids are watching maybe they might understand that not everything is ok. Video games...OMG video games. Since the introduction of things like *insert gaming system* and online gaming, more and more parents use video games to pacify their kids. I get cussed out by 8-11 year olds on the regular. then the argument comes up "well you shouldn't be talking like that in an open forum where kids are present" when it should be "Why is your 10 year old playing an online wargame?".
ReplyDeleteBottom line I am raising my kid the way I was raised. She will get spanked when she doesn't listen. She will be sent to her room, she will have toys taken away, she will be grounded, and she will have chores. Nothing will be simply "handed" to her. Respect is my families golden rule. I'm done ranting for now. But in a "cliff notes" response to your blog; you need to get off the base a little more. It's actually better on base than most of the surrounding area. Now if you feel like writing something about the school system and why children have half days, or why they can't have recess because they wore flip flops because its a safety issue when sandals are ok that would be fantastic.
-Until next time...
We have had some bad experiences both on base and off with other children, but I agree with what you're saying. Our son is not allowed to play video games because we don't like his attitude when he does, and we limit both of our kids' TV. We have to both set and be the example of what we want our kids to be.
DeleteWe are told that my daughter has ADHD/ADD but I don't coddle her. In fact, I was told recently that I am way to strict for being a mom and I need to loosen up and let her be a child. It struck me as ironic as this same person told me from day one that I needed to be strict so that my child doesn't walk all over me. Unfortunately, I'd rather be too strict than too lenient and let my child think she can do whatever she wants. I see a lot of truth in this post and I'm glad someone is finally bringing to light what so many of us want to say but don't for fear of being bashed.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter plays outside on great days or inside with legos on not so hot days. She actually gets frustrated when her friends would rather play inside with video games than outside on the trampoline. She used to have awesome manners in which she would always say please and thank you, yet that went out the window when she started school.
My daughter wears sandals to school and never had her recess taken, but gets into trouble because she doesn't listen to all the rules. Sometimes, I fear what the teachers say to each other because it hurts the kids moving up in grades, as they are already labeled. Sometimes, I wish my kid acted more like those kids that do everything they are asked to do, but I'm trying to teach her to be a leader - not a sheep. Plus, where would her individuality be if she did everything the same?
Anyone who reads this garbage, and especially the one who is the host of this page, left their brains far before they got to the gate of Edwards AFB. Someone clued me onto this site and whoever started it has nothing better to do than sit around and complain about how they think their life sucks. I'm sorry your husband treats you so terrible that you have to make a page like this to feel good about yourself. Obviously your parents did a terrible job raising you or they are ashamed of you now and can't find out where they messed up. You have far more than a mental disorder that makes you the way you are. You have a disease called attention who're. You are a coward hiding behind this page. You wouldbt say any of this to anyone's face, nor would you post your name so people know who the idiots on this base are, as if I didn't already know. I guarantee whoever created this blog watches all the dumb reality tv shows and that is exactly where people started thinking its acceptable to dress your teenage girls like sluts. reality tv is where people started accepting people to act like complete idiots for no reason. reality tv is where people find it acceptable to get pissy drunk and not take care of their kids. I guarantee whoever wrote this "blog" watches and acts just like everything I've described. You are a douchebag and your I feel sorry for your kids if you have any, and if you don't have kids do the world a favor and get fixed and never have one. the last thing we need is more self righteous people in this world who think they are so much better than everybody. and to the readers of this blog, walk away from this garbage. it is not worth the time. We are not in highschool anymore. Grow up and quit talking about other people like you are better than them. everyone here is far from perfect
ReplyDeleteOh because it didn't post my name for me it will write it here. Robert Petty
Delete♥ it!
DeleteAlthough I do agree with a lot of this post, I would like to add that not all of the children that attend the Junior/High School are military dependents.
ReplyDeleteIt's called the useless and ineffective "time out""pussification" of America. Can't spank your kids to teach consequences for their actions, yet we are bothered they act this way. We allow TV shows on MTV that glorify teens having kids and using drugs...yet, we do nothing. We allow the liberal retards to tell us what we are going to do to take the country "forward in a progressive manner" when, that is the problem. The system needs a reboot, and we don't need to be told how to raise our kids, and that we can't use spanking as a method. "Time out" is really just setting them up for spending time, behind bars. Teach kids hardship, they learn respect. Oh you want a cell phone at, I don't care that your "bff" has one...go do some yard work....
ReplyDeleteMorpheus I think I love you lol